How To: Make Indian style mango ice cream for dessert

Make Indian style mango ice cream for dessert

This wonderful mango ice cream recipe was submitted is one the the whole family will love. It is unbelievably easy and so very delicious. Serve up this homemade mango ice cream as a treat on a hot summer day or after dinner for dessert.

Mango Pulp - 30 oz can
Sweetened Condensed Milk - 14 oz can
Whipped Topping - 8 oz container
Fresh Mango - cubed, optional

1. In a big bowl pour in the mango pulp, condensed milk and the whipped topping.
2. Fold them in very well but very gently.
3. Pour into a dish with a tight fitting lid.
4. Cover and place in the freezer for 2 hours.
5. After 2 hours, mix in the cubed mango pieces and return dish to the freezer.
6. Allow it to freeze for another 3 hours or so.
7. Serve and enjoy!

1. Fresh mango pulp can be substituted for the can.
2. Add in tutti-fruiti, nuts, saffron or cubes of cake for a variation.
3. Great make-ahead dessert.

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