The blood-soaked anatomical heart cake too Hannibal Lecter for you? Then take your basic heart-shaped cookie from G to PG-13. It's brilliantly simple. Flip a your cookie upside down, fill in some frosting, add a line of piping, and you've got edible whale tail, just in time for Valentine's Day.
What's better than a little dessert? A lot of dessert! Watch a quick-witted South Korean street vendor wow a set of customers by turning a solitary lump of frozen honey into 16,000 candy strings in a span of two minutes.
Ming makes delicious looking cupcakes, cookies and savories, which are beautifully presented in "recipe card" form on her site. Ten I wouldn't mind trying below; click though for more.
Ok, so these aren't exactly "donuts" in the traditional sense. They are beer-battered, deep-fried donut peaches. And my God, they look so insanely delicious! Get the story behind this genius idea at Lunch at Sixpoint. Recipe below.
There are endless deep-fried recipes for disaster (re: heart attack), but this one takes the cake. Abel Gonzales Jr., the inventor of fried Coke and fried cookie dough, presents deep-fried butter, which tastes like a "a mix between a biscuit or a croissant that is just stuffed to the gills with butter on the inside." Gonzales' creation took top prize at last year's Texas State Fair.
Pie on a stick has been good to us, so why not Pop Tarts? (Admit it, Pop Tarts are good- and these are more like yummy pastries without preservatives.) As a tribute to Bakerella, Brooke of Family Kitchen has created a recipe for the latest addition to the lollipop dessert craze.
The internet has a fetish for fried food. Actually, scratch that. America has a fetish for fried food. So, if you're gonna dive right in that vat of oil, why not dive deep. Like calories and calories and calories deep.
Recently nauseated by toastykitten's post on Fish and Chips ice-cream (via WonderHowTo World, CAKES! CAKES! CAKES!), I was equally grossed out by toastykitten's additional find on the same topic.
Infographics are lots of fun, so how about illustrated recipes? Recipelook currently indexes 67 recipes and growing. There's a whole range in quality- a selection of my favorite drawings below.
Yuck. The...uh, number two...colored gummi dung beetle leaning against the Japanese cream puff pictured below is just NOT appetizing. Interested in getting grossed out gummi-style? GummiX offers a do-it-yourself kit for making beetles, pillbugs and crayfish.
Bakerella offers a trove of fun recipes for dessert-on-a-stick. Cupcakes, cakes, pies, cookies, even macaroons, all bite-size, all lollipop-style. My favorites below.
Luxirare brought you the delectable pie lollipop, AKA DIY Pie on a Stick. Now cooking blog Our Best Bites posts a tutorial on baking your own pie in a jar. Equally portable and delicious. Yum.
Another science-geeky treat from Not So Humble Pie (the creator of yummy cookie lab rats, chocolate atoms and gingerbread scientists). This time our creative bakers/cake decorators bring us ganache filled brain cupcakes. Click through to learn how to make them.
In spirit of the recently posted brightly frosted cupcake periodic table, here are some equally clever, beautiful science-themed holiday cookies from Not So Humble. The creative cooking blog does not offer full instructions for most of these, but does lend tips here and there. Get inspired and bake your own holiday cookies.
Turkey day is over, and you have this nice Friday-Saturday-Sunday stretch before it's back the daily grind. Here's a project that inspires both young and old: LeGummies brick shaped gummy candies. Geeky LEGO bliss.